Author’s blog

Hi everyone:  I am the other half of Dreamah H. Lockwood.  I agree with my sister when it come to editing your book.  You can’t do too much of it.  I read A Circle of Murders four times and then there were still some errors.  I think that is because my sister’s brain works faster than her fingers and she misses some of my corrections.  (I can’t take the blame myself, can I?)

I can’t wait till I get my new glasses.  I had to have eye surgery and antibiotic drops for awhile.  This has been going on since the first of May and I am darn tired of it.  My sister works all day, everyday, and I sit around because I can’t read, knit, watch much tv or much of anything else.

Just as soon as I get glasses on my face, I am going to get back to the editing part of this partnership.  By that time she will have finished The Stone Killer and I will have two books to edit.  Oh well, it keeps me off the streets and out of the bars, so I guess that is good.

Everyone take care and do not let anything stop you from writing if that is your passion.  We all must have a passion.  It is good for us.

Till next time

bye bye


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